Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cauthen Insulted by the Falling Star

Not once in today's column by Lewis Diuguid did Mr. Diuguid mention Mr. Cauthen's professional credentials and track record. It should be insulting to describe Mr. Cauthen only as whether he is a "Black" or "African American" city manager. If Mr. Cauthen has suffered from discrimination or discriminatory acts in his employment at City Hall, he has the absolute responsibility to report them immediately. Such discrimination is a violation of federal law that he, as city manager, is obligated to report.

What are his achievements? Has he achieved anything that didn't require millions of dollars and consultants from Denver? My wife has tried to convince me for years that spending money requires talent and intelligence. It hasn't worked for her either! (I hope she doesn't read this blog.)

The truth is that Mr. Cauthen has either not achieved or has violated every tenet of being a professional city manager. (

Let's talk about:
Purchasing? Codes? Public Works? Finance? Council - Manager relations? Youth programs? Budget? Housing? Human Relations? Neighborhoods? (Look forward to separate entries on each -- your input is welcome.)

Mr. Cauthen, you know that this is not about race. You should speak out and say so. Instead you will drag Kansas City through the mud for your own selfish reasons and over-inflated ego. Shame on you.


Anonymous said...

And Tony will help him out due to the fact he's a minority.

Anonymous said...

The Falling Star -- perfect and accurate! ha ha ha ha ha

They are so lost and lazy!

Anonymous said...

That is the question I continue to ask. What has WC accomplished? I beg and plead but no one answers it. So I am begining to beleive it is only riding on the shirt tails of Kay to improve 14th and Grand.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 6:09 pm. I guess I am a moron. I have lived here my whole live and do not see what WC has done to improve my services from the City. Again no concrete or sandy answers instead I get cursed at. First this shows me you have nothing to say about what he has done, second resorting to this type of behavior shows the level of people that showed up in City Hall to support him, people with nothing of value to say, only foul language or threats.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Lives in KC!

Cauthen and his supporters exhibit a total disdain for KC and anyone who was here before '03. It impossible to have an intelligent conversation without being sworn at or called a racist.

It is working less and less for them, I hope.

Anonymous said...

the only reason why the Star said anything about the LT story was becuase Mike Mahoney (who is 10 times the investigator that you are Mr. Helling and 10000 times the reporter you are Ms. Horsley) scooped it.

check out the time stamps on the articles.

WC has gotten to the Star and they won't do anything to put him in a bad light.

Funny how principles are sold for tax abatements and increased property values. The Star needs to seriously re-consider the hoighty toighties that they have for columnists. Maybe hire someone who doesn't live in a $350k plus house in Brookside or see racism in everything.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about CIMO, too.
Where's the CIMO audit?

Anonymous said...

Come on, get back to work...........quit your complaining.

Anonymous said...

Come on, get back to work...........quit your complaining.

Anonymous said...

im a retired city employee and i would probably still be there if it wasnt for the hatchet man that kay hired. when key hired him they paid his traveling expense and living expense in kc until he found a house. when bob collins left his secretary was staying to help with the transition and all of a sudden wc moves her down to the 3rd floor and brings his friend from denver in as his secretary at a higher salary. after kay and the council offered all this money to him and the employees only got a measely 3% raise i decided the hell with it the city dont appreciate there employees anyway and after 32 years i had enough. so my hat is off to the employees who do there job and make the others look good i hope in the future they will treat there employees better